Yen-Chieh Huang_detail

Yen-Chieh Huang
Research Field:
Particle acceleration and radiation
Short Bio:
Dr. Huang is a professor of the Institute of Photonics Technologies and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). He is also an adjunct professor of the Physics Department. Dr. Huang received his PhD in 1995 from the Electrical Engineering Department, Stanford University, and conducted his postdoctoral research there until January 1997. During 2015-2018, Prof. Huang served as the director of the Photonics Research Center and the director of the Graduate Institute of Photonics Technologies of NTHU. Dr. Huang’s research interest is on quasi-phase-matched nonlinear optics and relativistic photonics. He is now actively working on THz difference frequency generation, laser-driven particle acceleration, and relativistic electron superradiance. Dr. Huang is currently a guest professor of Peking University and a visiting professor at KTH.